Leaders of organizations around the world continue to fail in one of their primary responsibilities – to create a high performance work environment; an environment where all employees are engaged, and performing at their best every day. The Gallup Organization’s ongoing research on employee engagement confirms that the millions of dollars being spent every year on leadership development is having virtually no impact on increasing the engagement of the workforce.
Why Most Leadership Training Doesn’t Work
Everyone knows that you can’t turn someone into a leader as a result of a single training event. It takes time for someone to learn to be a leader. Despite this common sense, most management and leadership training is an event... a two to five day event with little or no reinforcement or follow-up coaching. In most cases, there is also no accountability. It is entirely up to the participant whether they use what they have learned, or not!
Managers often ask the question: “Why doesn’t everyone just do what they’re told?” And they have a point. People are employed to do a job… why don’t they just get on and do it? The reality is that people are not robots… they have feelings and needs. Whether the leader’s role should have such a huge impact on employee engagement is not the point – it does! So if you are serious about creating a high performance workplace, you need to get serious about ensuring that every leader in your organization has the skills and the tools they need to create that work environment.
There are several key features we have built into the Leadership Development Process™ to ensure not only that leaders develop the skills they need, but that they also achieve the desired outcomes – increased employee engagement, commitment, and performance. These are:
- It is a process not an event
- The appropriate use of learning instruments
- Application in the workplace is required
The Leadership Development Process™ helps leaders understand that they are accountable for the environment they create, and whether that environment is based on trust, or a lack of it. The process provides them with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to create a work environment based on trust and personal responsibility... a place where people want to, and can be, accountable for their performance.
The Leadership Development Process™
Razi & Associates, Inc.
Enhancing Individual and Organizational Performance
Copyright 2003, Razi & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
Web page created by Mary Meyers