Developing Effective Teams Takes Time...

Only an ongoing process of development will produce sustainable change.

The Team Development Process was developed to address the key reasons why most team building programs don’t achieve anything in the long term, even if they appear to have worked in the short term.

Changing behavior takes time. You cannot expect people to change their behavior and continue with those changes from a 2 or 3 day training experience. The focus of team building must be on improving results, not just improving relationships.

The Team Development Process starts by measuring how clear team members are on their purpose, vision, values and goals, and goes on to focus all aspects of the program on achieving those goals.


The starting point for any team must be to be clear about why they exist as a team, what they have to achieve, and what each team member has to do so that the team can achieve the desired outcomes. This basic starting point is often not achieved because of ineffective communication… about why the team exists (their purpose), their goals, and what each team member needs to do to accomplish this.

The Team Development Process© not only achieves a high level of clarity and agreement about the team’s purpose, vision, values and goals, it provides insight into the factors that get in the road of effective communication about these critical issues.

The initial focus of the first module is on the impact that differences in behavioral style have on communication, decision-making and goal-orientation. Through completion of the Personal Profile System® which is based on the DiSC® Behavioral Model, team members gain a better understanding of the impact their behavior is having on other team members, and what needs to be done to improve communication.

Through an understanding of the DiSC® Behavioral Model team members also gain a better appreciation of the contribution that team members who have a different style to themselves are making to the team. An effective team needs the strengths of different styles, and the team will not function effectively unless all team members are contributing their strengths, and other team members respect and value what they are contributing.

Trust is another key factor in determining a team’s success. Trust doesn’t happen automatically as a result of being trustworthy, as the results of the Team Analysis Questionnaire demonstrate. The questionnaire measures each team member’s perception of the trust level in the team. We then explore the impact that the trust level is having on communication. The Team Analysis Questionnaire also measures the level of clarity and agreement on the team’s purpose, vision, values and goals.

Only by focusing on communicating more openly and directly about these issues can the team can move forward to becoming more productive.

The Team Development Process™
Razi & Associates, Inc.
Enhancing Individual and Organizational Performance
designed with Homestead
Copyright 2003, Razi & Associates, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Web page created by Mary Meyers
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